
Compost versus Fertilizer

If you are not completely sure exactly which nutrient is needed in your garden, it can cause more harm than good to use a chemical fertilizer. This can only be established with a soil test. Fertilizer can burn the plants and the water run-off can pollute the environment and waterways.

Compost, on the other hand, will not damage your plants or the environment, even if you use a lot of it in the garden. Compost contains many nutrients that are released slowly. Compost builds healthy root systems in plants, strengthening the plants to resist diseases and pests.

Compost increases the soil’s ability to retain water, decreasing water run-off and loss of nutrients. It also improves the texture of the soil, which benefits the good insects and micro-organisms. Compost can also be used as a mulch, to prevent weeds from growing in the garden.

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